Englehart approves 2016 budget
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART -- Englehart’s 2016 budget was passed at its regular council meeting Wednesday, May 11.This year’s budget has been set at $5,341,034, which will include the town’s continuing upgrading of its water and sewer system. That’s an increase from the town’s 2015 budget of
Temagami by-election set for August 18
TEMAGAMI (Staff) – The groundwork for a by-election to fill a vacant seat on Temagami council has begun.The deadline to nominate candidates is July 4.Voting day itself will be August 18.Voters will get ballots in the mail, as has been the practice in Temagami municipal elections.
Temagami holding by-election to fill vacancy
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI – Temagami voters will be casting ballots in a by-election after council failed to appoint any of the applicants for a vacant councillor seat.The by-election will be a first for Temagami, said Mayor Lorie Hunter earlier this week.The vacancy was created when
City plotting ’16 hardtop maintenance
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – As the snow disappears, the road maintenance season is ready to start.Temiskaming Shores will spend a little more than $925,000 to maintain asphalt roadways this year.The lion’s share of the budget, at $660,000, is allocated to resurfacing a stretch of Lakeshore Road North
No decision yet on student transit use
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – Initial discussions on the possibility of busing Timiskaming District Secondary students on public transit have been held.“It’s in the very preliminary stages and there’s no plan of action so far,” said Temiskaming Shores Councillor Danny Whalen, a member of the Temiskaming Transit
Positive steps taken, things to overcome in Cobalt finances
COBALT (Staff) -- Cobalt council heard from their auditor Tuesday, April 26, and the town received encouraging words, and advice for further improving its financial picture.The auditing firm of Kemp Elliott and Blair reviewed the town’s 2015 finances and outlined the positive steps the town has accomplished, and
Charlton-Dack preparing municipal survey
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter CHARLTON-DACK -- The Municipality of Charlton and Dack is in the process of preparing a municipal survey.Chief administrative officer Dan Thibeault presented a draft municipal survey for council’s review at their regular meeting Monday, April 11.Mr. Thibeault explained that ratepayers will be asked
City department rebuilding staff
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – The city is going it alone when it comes to building inspections.Clayton Seymour is taking over as Temiskaming Shores’ chief building official. He’s been providing services on an interim basis for the past four and a half months.
FONOM welcomes federal infrastructure commitment
KAPUSKASING (Special/Staff) – Infrastructure help promised in last week’s federal budget was welcome news, says the president of the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities.“We’ve been calling on all levels of government to commit to addressing the infrastructure deficit across the country,” said Alan Spacek, president of the federation
Bilingual documents on city’s agenda
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – The city is taking a look at how it distributes information in English and French.“We have to look at some strategies on how to do that effectively,” said Temiskaming Shores city manager Chris Oslund earlier this month.The city is now