A leash-free park
Dear Editor:Every morning, without fail, my dog Misty takes me to the tennis court where I close the gates and let her run free.If she does what every dog does, I clean it up. By doing this – allowing her to run, she wears off her pent
Great job at cemeteries
Dear Editor:Please pass along a large “thank you” to the crew looking after both the Pioneer and Valley View cemeteries.I drove up from Whitby last week and took my 96-year-old mother, Alice Jibb, out to both locations to view my Dad’s resting place and that of numerous
From the Editor’s Desk
The long campaign[caption id="attachment_1019" align="alignleft" width="200"] Speaker Editor - Gordon Brock[/caption]You have to go back to the 19th century – the year 1872 according to most national media outlets - to find the last time a Canadian
Seeking help on schools
Dear Editor:Little Claybelt Museum is planning to try and chronicle every small rural school, public and separate in South Temiskaming, that has closed.If anyone has stories, information or photos of these schools, would you please contact the Little Claybelt Museum at Box 1718, New Liskeard, On, PoJ
Letter of the Week
Foundation takes no positionsDear Editor:The Temiskaming Foundation has recently been named in media releases related to a proposed energy project in our district. These releases suggest that The Temiskaming Foundation could be used as a “potential vehicle” for funds that they have indicated may flow back
Garden Tour Delight
Dear Editor:Once again the Temiskaming Art Gallery thanks The Speaker and its staff for its excellent coverage and promotion of the recent 2015 Garden Tour.On one of the hottest days this summer, almost one hundred garden lovers toured beautiful Temiskaming Shores and area to view nine individual
Speaker Pride
Dear Editor:Thank you so much for putting my thank you letter with cute header line in your excellent paper. I never miss reading it and The Weekender!Have enjoyed your insightful editorials and the cartoons for the last 26 years. I am sending a big bouquet to you and your staff for a
Leaky lines, non- detecting detectors
Dear Editor:As proponents continue to saturate the area with media advertisements on the safety and technology used in their pipelines the reality raises its ugly head.An oil sand company experiences a massive bitumen spill in northern Alberta requiring the construction of a winter road to reach
Letter to the Editor
Not enough known about wind powerDear Editor,Kathleen Wynne has sent the wind power developers to the unorganized and Crown lands of the North where there will be little resistance.We want to believe we can show them otherwise. We are not anti-wind. We believe we need to
From the Editor’s Desk
Survivor Diaries[caption id="attachment_1019" align="alignleft" width="200"] Speaker Editor - Gordon Brock[/caption]The book The Temiskaming Speaker has been putting together on the stories told over the past two decades from World War II veterans is now nearing completion.The book