About those attack ads
Dear Editor:The editorial Attack Ads (From The Editor’s Desk, Speaker, August 19) raises several important questions, one of which is: What was Stephen Harper thinking when he decided to include goofy but mean ads in an extended election campaign period?In less than a month the dim-witted attacks
Where is my bike?
Dear Editor:I am writing this letter in regards to my missing bike. It has been missing for three months now.The police have been working very hard to find my bike.I just can’t understand why someone would come along and steal my bike at 100 Market Street
From the Editor’s Desk
ATTACK ADSRegardless of what happens October 19, Stephen Harper’s greatest achievement in the Canadian body politic may very well be his, and his campaign team’s, mastery of the attack ad.Political pundits of all stripes acknowledge that Harper attack ads are effective and achieve their goal. The
Letter of the Week
In support of Silver Centre Wind Energy ProjectDear Editor:I’ve been reading the back and forth rhetoric related to the proposed Silver Centre wind turbine project and just could not take it anymore and see the opportunity pass us by.I think the project is a great idea
From the Editor’s Desk
Week One[caption id="attachment_1019" align="alignleft" width="200"] Speaker Editor - Gordon Brock[/caption]Will the very length of this historically long federal election campaign be an issue in itself?Over the years all prime ministers and premiers have been
Letter of the Week
Get the vowels rightDear EditorThe Speaker has been such a stalwart ally in the ongoing campaign to get the “e” back in Temiskaming that it was disheartening to see the egregious “i” version improperly used in a historical summary of the District’s electoral ridings (pg. 10a –
Energy East – the safest choice
Dear Editor:Everyday more than 200,000 barrels of oil are transported by rail across Canada. Many of these trains are travelling through the heart of communities across Northern Ontario, next to our homes, schools, playgrounds and businesses.Rail infrastructure is a vital piece of Canadian infrastructure and is an
A leash-free park
Dear Editor:Every morning, without fail, my dog Misty takes me to the tennis court where I close the gates and let her run free.If she does what every dog does, I clean it up. By doing this – allowing her to run, she wears off her pent
Great job at cemeteries
Dear Editor:Please pass along a large “thank you” to the crew looking after both the Pioneer and Valley View cemeteries.I drove up from Whitby last week and took my 96-year-old mother, Alice Jibb, out to both locations to view my Dad’s resting place and that of numerous
From the Editor’s Desk
The long campaign[caption id="attachment_1019" align="alignleft" width="200"] Speaker Editor - Gordon Brock[/caption]You have to go back to the 19th century – the year 1872 according to most national media outlets - to find the last time a Canadian