Locker room chatter

Following are the Men’s Night four-man scramble results for July 3 at the Haileybury Golf Club:LOW GROSS (60): Chico’s Fix It All, James Lathem Excavating, Phippen Waste Management, Smallman Pharmacy – Richard Trottier, Lewie Peddie, Claude Julien, Tate BybergSECOND GROSS (64): RBC Royal Bank, Tamarack Laser

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Sports Digest

FAMILY FISHING WEEKJuly 5-13 is Family Fishing Week in Ontario. Canadians may fish without a licence in the province, but non-residents do need a licence. If you fish without a licence during Family Fishing Week, you must follow the conservation licence limits set out in the 2014 Recreational

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Locker Room Chatter

Following are the Men’s Night four-man scramble results for June 26 at the Haileybury Golf Club:LOW GROSS (60): Kal Tire, Gabbani Courier, James Lathem Excavating, Zante’s Bar and Grill – Greg Cote, Paul Menard, Bob Chatelain, Lee MarshallSECOND GROSS (60): Denomme Appraisals, RBC Royal Bank, Phippen Waste

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by Steven Larocque Speaker Reporter Our short sports writer, I mean Sports Shorts writer, is taking a much desired vacation. Based on her musings before heading off for the week, we’ll be lucky if she’s not waterlogged when she gets back.So Sportsweek makes a return from the journalistic wilderness in

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