From the Editor’s Desk

Christmas 2016This is our last issue of The Speaker before Christmas and yours truly can’t ever recall a pre-Christmas Speaker issue, such as this one, where the front page stories run the extreme of the human condition.WHITE CHRISTMASBarring the biggest change in climate in

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Village Noel thanks you all

Dear Editor:A few weeks have passed since the 2016 edition of Village Noël Temiskaming (VNT) made its annual appearance in downtown New Liskeard. It was a huge success with over 5 000 visitors from every corner of the province and elsewhere.Such a huge event requires careful planning

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Making it a Reality

Dear Editor:I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge everyone who has participated in our “Care Close to Home” campaign for the benefit of our hospital. Thanks to you, pieces of equipment have been and continue to be purchased to improve local care. Minimizing the need to

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Letter of the Week

These new regulations are discriminatoryDear Editor:Recently I attended a T.M.A meeting where a government speaker was explaining the new regulations for municipalities in the next municipal elections. The one that disturbed me the most is that before you can run for municipal office (e.g. councillor or mayor/reeve),

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From the Editor’s Desk

At the mallLast week The Speaker carried on its front page a story about how a long-time tradition in Temiskaming – visits with Santa at the Timiskaming Square Mall – will continue this Christmas season thanks to the initiative of the Temiskaming Shores Lioness Lions Club.As has been

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Letter of the Week

Temagami Country ChristmasDear Editor:This holiday season we took the opportunity to visit Temagami’s Christmas Village. It was an elaborate arrangement of lights and Christmas figures strung out through the bush on a well-cut and groomed walking trail. While the real Santa held court in the quaint and

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From the Editor’s Desk

Leaving the SpeakerThis is probably the first column written by the editor of  The Temiskaming Speaker where the words “I” and “me” are used with frequency.Yours truly began working at The Temiskaming Speaker in September of 1984. I will be leaving The Temiskaming Speaker

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