At the cenotaph
Dear Editor:In 2014, I was in South Porcupine for a two week period to look after a sick brother, and took him to his last Remembrance Day ceremony.Upon my return, apparently a storm had gone through the Tri-Town area and I found the cenotaph area littered with
Making it a reality
Dear Editor:I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge everyone who has participated in our “Care Close to Home” campaign for the benefit of our hospital.Thanks to you, pieces of equipment have been and continue to be purchased to improve local care.Minimizing the need
Letter of the Week
Moving the Village NoelDear Editor:I’d like to start off by saying, job well done to the Village Noel downtown the other weekend.It was nice to see the large crowds gathered and Christmas music was nice, but here’s a question for you… “what happens if
Still have to be told
These types of editorials have become a regular, annual staple.Two decades ago, at this time of year, an editorial was written in The Temiskaming Speaker urging readers not to get behind the wheel of any motorized vehicle after drinking even a small amount of alcohol.As part of
Village Noel
In the years ahead when we list Temiskaming’s Christmas traditions, the Village Noel should be a fixture on that list and the turning point for this event may very well have been last weekend’s 2016 version.One of the many reasons for last weekend’s success was the influx in
From the Editor’s Desk
The Last Christmas CardIn our marketplace in Temiskaming, even in this age of social media, one of the traditions of Christmas is the sending and receiving of printed Christmas cards.In many, many cases the Christmas card is the last way for people to stay in
Thank You
Dear Editor:On behalf of the Temiskaming Lodge Volunteers, I would like to sincerely thank the community who came out to support our recent Fall Bazaar. It is only with the help of our friends and neighbours that we were so successful in obtaining funds to help support the
Don’t think, just do
Dear Editor:Year long, specifically at this time of year, we have the opportunity to be a helping hand with activities such as the Christmas drives, etc.Many will stop and think about it, then the thought is not acted on.My point is simply this, don’t think, just
The friction factor
Dear Editor:Your reminder about “snow tires” is a good one, but needs to be expanded to include the temperature variable so that people do not think that absence of snow is a sufficient reason to delay putting on “winter tires”.In brief, the rubber compounds used in summer
Letter of the Week
Cenotaph DesecratedDear Editor:On November 22 I went up to New Liskeard to pick up a book I had ordered, I parked in front of the cenotaph; it looked naked. I took a good look once I was done parking and couldn’t believe my eyes. The cenotaph had