Weird winter weather
It sure has been a weird winter in the Temiskaming region.We’ve had some cold days mixed with warmer days and plenty of snow. Maybe the winter temperature fluctuations can be attributed to climate change?People in this region may remember only 10 or 15 years ago when November
From the Editor’s Desk
ManagingI once said that after I leave The Temiskaming Speaker I would be writing a book on middle management. That was one of my musings, but not actually a plan. The reality is I’m not sure how much interest there would be in a business book written by
Letter of the Week
Great business communityDear Editor:Our Temiskaming Shores Business Community is composed of an amazing, dedicated group of people. From October through December of 2016, eleven businesses provided work experience placements to students from the Transitional Learning Communities (TLC) of Timiskaming District Secondary School (TDSS).Fourteen students participated in these
Keeping it local
Dear Editor:I thoroughly enjoy reading The Speaker as my source of news about area happenings, so I am extremely disappointed to learn that you are retiring as editor.You do an outstanding job week in and week out, so you will be greatly missed in that regard.Also,
Meeting the challenge
We are in a time of significant change.The economy of the world is changing rapidly.Climate change is making it necessary to reconsider how we obtain and use energy.The need to change away from fossil fuels, and our entrenched dependence on it, is
From the Editor’s Desk
Talking about CJTTWith five issues left before this Editor’s Desk closes, the tone the rest of the way will be more personal than other offerings in this space have been these past 32 years.Last Friday morning yours truly was the guest on CJTT radio’s popular
From the Editor’s Desk
Beginning 2017This week teachers and students are still on holidays but the rest of us are taking the decorations down and preparing for the year ahead.We begin a new year by wrapping up the outgoing year. Our C Front feature presents our annual quiz looking
Can only shake my head
Dear Editor:As I sat in the hospital passing time, I came across an interesting ad of the Ontario Energy Board to customers of gas users.A cost of five to seven dollars a month average on your gas bill to cover cap and trade which they will have
Pain or Gain
Dear Editor:This is also a “Letter to the Prime Minister and all Political Parties”Honorable ladies and gentlemen, I am dismayed that this letter has to be written, but as I put pen to paper, I listen to a government announcement that thirty years after the collapse of
Christmas in Temiskaming
One of the things we love the most about the Christmas season here at The Speaker is the way the communities come together to celebrate.This determined cooperation and commitment to bringing out the beauty and love of the area is an inspiration to us all.