Young-Davidson Mine given the all clear
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Special/Staff) – Three weeks after the first case was reported, a COVID-19 outbreak at the Young-Davidson gold mine near Matachewan has been declared over. All six …
New Memorial Park proposed for Temagami
By Jamie Mountain Local Journalism Initiative Reporter TEMAGAMI – A new park has been proposed to help enhance more healthy living in Temagami. Temagami resident Suzanne Daneault gave …
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the city
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – Do you have an opinion on how to reduce emissions of climate-changing greenhouse gases in Temiskaming Shores? December 4 is the deadline to comment …
Encouraging shoppers to shop locally
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter DISTRICT – New Liskeard BIA coordinator Sherren Riel is encouraging people to visit local businesses this season to complete their Christmas shopping. Riel also suggests that …
BRH thanking donors
KIRKLAND LAKE (Special/Staff) – Blanche River Health is saying thanks. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the amalgamated hospital, which oversees hospitals in Kirkland Lake and Englehart, is officially thanking donors …
Police Blotter
Suspected fentanyl seized COBALT – Police seized what they suspect is blue and red fentanyl with a street value of more than $11,000 in Cobalt last week. On November 18, …
Warm weather records shattered for Temiskaming
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter DISTRICT —The Temiskaming region experienced unseasonably warm weather the first week of November with temperatures that exceeded the 21 C range, shattering weather records that date …
Sixth COVID-19 case linked to mine outbreak
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – A sixth case linked to the COVID-19 outbreak at the Young-Davidson mine near Matachewan has been reported. In a bulletin posted to its Facebook page on …
Police Blotter
Bike stolen in New Liskeard TEMISKAMING SHORES – Police are seeking the public’s help in finding a stolen bike and finding the culprit or culprits responsible. Temiskaming OPP report that …
Board ONE fills trustee post
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – The region’s English public school board has named a new trustee for the Temiskaming Shores, Temagami and Elk Lake areas. Erica Logan was sworn in as …