Truth and consequences
Steven Larocque An email we received here at work November 3 brought some exciting news: “Pyramid gold and dust for sale,” it said. Turns out that was a bit misleading. …

Editorial cartoon for November 4, 2020 issue:
What are they thinking?
Amidst these trying times and the anxiety felt by people around the world, democracies continue to function. The most basic of these functions is the need to stage elections. Some …
The way through
Darlene Wroe We have seen many of our celebrations cancelled this year, but as a result, people have seized with extra delight any event that is happening. Small events, such …

Editorial cartoon for October 28, 2020 issue:
Who we are
A community is a living thing, built over the years, decades and centuries by the people who have worked for its development. The life of each individual who has lived …
Waste not
Steven Larocque This is Waste Reduction Week in Ontario (until October 25) and the province has announced plans to improve recycling programs by making more items acceptable for the blue …

Editorial cartoon for October 21, 2020 issue:
Local education
Among the many interesting stories carried in The Speaker this week, two reflect different aspects on the importance of local education. There’s the story of two local musicians, Nico Chartrand …
Staycation 2020, Temiskaming-style
Diane Johnston In a really, really, really, really annoying online ad, a family is shown driving around the block. As Mom proclaims “Staycation 2020!” two kids in the backseat look …