Editorial cartoon for October 14, 2020 issue:
Being grateful this Thanksgiving
This Thanksgiving our gatherings will be smaller. But we can still take time to reach out by phone or FaceTime to those who we love and cherish throughout the year. …
Lifted up
Steven Larocque Hoisted on his own petard. That’s one of those phrases we’ve all heard but it’s also one of those phrases that’s hard to remember. The dictionary (yes, a …

Editorial cartoon for October 7, 2020 issue:
The DeBeers Victor Diamond Mine in the Attawapiskat region was a great boon to Northern Ontario’s economy for years. It’s now in the process of shutting down. The new IAMGOLD …
Small things and big truths
Darlene Wroe The small northern cedar sits low and hidden at the northern end of the island. I was clearing brush out around the hundred white pines my husband planted …

Editorial cartoon for September 30, 2020 issue:
Stop substance abuse
Living with addiction is not a lifestyle. Addiction undermines the wellbeing of people who are experiencing it, as well as the wellbeing of the people who live with them and …
Face time
Steven Larocque Don’t you find wearing a mask is becoming second nature? It was difficult at first to remember to bring the mask. You may have seen those folks (like …

Editorial cartoon for September 23, 2020 issue: