Parking on the STATO trail
Dear Editor:This is to city council.Please tell us where we are to park when we visit relatives who live on Lakeshore and also where to park for yard sales. It is easy to fume but we need a solution for the people
From the Editor’s Desk
Annual TraditionsOn the eve of the Labour Day weekend we traditionally take a look at two aspects of life here in Temiskaming. That’s the case again this year.MIGRATIONThis is the time of year when a good portion of Temiskaming’s migration has taken place.That is, our
Letter of the Week
The Bible and HealthDear Editor:Re: Letter of the week dated August 20, 2014.It is not unusual for someone to seek medical counsel regarding an ailment and to, in the course of the appointment, discover that there are underlying factors, not of a medical nature, contributing to the
Graveyard dilemma
Dear Editor:We the common sense public are very disappointed in the Catholic Cemetery Board in Cobalt for their decision to take down all lightstands, flowers on plots, stone, foundations, etc.I’m very sorry that we the public have no say anymore.Joe TresidderCobalt
About distracted driving legislation
Dear Editor:This is an open letter to Ontario Transportation MinisterSteven Del Duca.Re: Distracted Driving Legislation Dear Mr. Del Duca:I am informed by an August 18 article in the Ottawa Sun (Deadly Distraction, by Matt Ingram) of your “hopes to see legislation introduced this fall which
From the Editor’s Desk
DEAR EDITORIt’s been said that the quickest way to gauge the popularity and success of a newspaper is to look no further than its letters to the editor section.If that is indeed the case we thank our letter writers.Over the years one of the most popular
Letter of the Week
Locum Doctor Bids Farewell To Temiskaming ShoresDear Editor:I would just like to say farewell to Temiskaming Shores. For the past year I have had the pleasure of working as a locum doctor for the Haileybury Health Team. I have enjoyed the hospitality and good
The 100-mile diet was popularized as a result of a book written by a Canadian couple putting the emphasis on buying locally grown produce within 100 miles of your front door.The book chronicles one couple’s experience eating only foods grown within 100 miles of their home.