From the Editor’s Desk
On the publication date of this week’s Speaker, Remembrance Week in Temiskaming concludes.Coverage of the Remembrance Day ceremonies at cenotaphs throughout the District can be found in the November 13 Weekender.One of the biggest stories this past week in Temiskaming on the topic of Remembrance was the
You can fight city hall
Dear Editor:How much’s it cost for Counsel to say, “a tent is a tent”I guess that will become the new ratepayers lamentCouncil likes it on Bay StreetNo more need to be discreetIt’s not their money they’re using to pay the big rentCosts
Importance of Remembrance
Dear Editor:I am a graduate of The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program, and its Operation Legacy, which is made up of members and graduates of CHAMP who are dedicated to teaching the younger generation about the importance of remembrance.Amputee veterans started The War Amps nearly 100
From the editor’s desk
Remembrance WeekMany people in the community between now and November 11 will be wearing poppies to support our Royal Canadian Legions and to commemorate Remembrance Day.The time period takes on special significance this year for The Temiskaming Speaker for a few reasons.Because November 11
Dear Editor:Thank you for the space.I wrote you a letter in the past about bullies, I would like to add something.I was an RPN at Temiskaming Hospital for many years, I enjoyed my job very much, I was very good at it.When I was there,
Learning by doing
Dear Editor:On Saturday night at the Riverside Place, 4-H members young and old came together to celebrate their 100th anniversary of LEARNING TO DO BY DOING. Over the years many memories and newspaper clippings of our local 4-H etc. were put on display.It was an interesting evening
On the buses
Dear Editor:Hi. My letter to the editor concerns my experience on the transit buses.Now don’t get me wrong but riding the bus should be a great experience, but lately I don’t want to take the bus, I’d rather get a taxi or a ride from friends.The
From the Editor’s Desk
Election night notebookA community newspaper editor flips through an election night notebook. The theme is the local scene with some firsts.COMMITTEE ROOMSWhat’s the value of riding committee rooms?It gives the party a public profile – a place where the public can drop in and get
Love that Sue Nielsen
Dear Editor:I would like to compliment Sue Nielson on her column, and to say how much I enjoy it. When I get my Speaker the first thing I do is look for her great column.I would also like to let Sue know, that I am an old
Letters to the Editor
Nothing ChangesDear Editor:If nothing changes -- nothing changes -- same pile, different leader!Justin has ridden daddy’s coat tails to the top of the pile -- good luck Canada.Wayne GrayNew Liskeard