Garden Tour Delight

Dear Editor:Once again the Temiskaming Art Gallery thanks The Speaker and its staff for its excellent coverage and promotion of the recent 2015 Garden Tour.On one of the hottest days this summer, almost one hundred garden lovers toured beautiful Temiskaming Shores and area to view nine individual

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Leaky lines, non- detecting detectors

Dear Editor:As proponents continue to saturate the area with media advertisements on the safety and technology used in their pipelines the reality raises its ugly head.An oil sand company experiences a massive bitumen spill in northern Alberta requiring the construction of a winter road to reach

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From the Editor’s Desk

Survivor Diaries[caption id="attachment_1019" align="alignleft" width="200"] Speaker Editor - Gordon Brock[/caption]The book The Temiskaming Speaker has been putting together on the stories told over the past two decades from World War II veterans is now nearing completion.The book

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