Lost causes
Steven Larocque Speaker Editor The first lost cause under consideration is the national anthem and the misguided, time wasting, successful effort to change the lyrics.The next time you have to mouth the words at a hockey game, remember it’s no longer “in all thy sons command,” but “in all of us command.”This
Angling for answers
Ups and downs
Parking in winter can be a challenge – snowbanks push vehicles away from sidewalks, sometimes drivers and passengers have to trudge over snowbanks when there’s no footpath shovelled through the snow.Now imagine you’re a driver with a handicap and you have to make your way over difficult terrain.Now imagine
Cooking as prayer
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter To say grace over a meal is, in part, to express gratitude for the food.Those who promote health also recommend paying attention to food as we eat it, and being aware of each mouthful and our bodies as we eat.Often, when I have time, I enjoy spending the
Well-seasoned greetings
Helping individuals helps everyone
Society is quickly changing, and while sometimes it may seem for the worse, in many other ways it seems that it is for the better.Society is going through a revolution in which the needs of people are being considered with a more serious view to resolutions, or at least care.
That was fast
By Steven LarocqueThe announcement last week that Canada had decided to sign a revised Trans Pacific Partnership agreement, without the United States as a signatory, was big and interesting news.With our Prime Minister in Davos, Switzerland, and American president Donald Trump about to arrive, news watchers were on the lookout
Driving home a message
Serious snow
Winter in Temiskaming means cold temperatures and snowfall.That’s about as basic as it gets.Plenty of people will gripe and moan when either occurs.You have to plug in the car, dress in layers, waddle along in heavy and cumbersome clothes and generally feel uncomfortable for stretches of time.The snow means shovelling,
Resolution dissolution
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter In my ongoing drive to declutter, I recently opened a plastic storage bin and discovered a copy of the Ottawa Citizen I’d picked up January 1, 2000.Ah, the Millennium (or not…experts in the field insist it began January 1, 2001).I remember watching the television coverage that began December