Looking ahead
Starting here
Now into the new year of 2018, we are armed with determination that the future can be better than some are predicting.While the world stage is terrifying many people, at home we strongly urge steps to counter this.When world events shake and frighten us, the best strategy is to research
Resolve to be good
Steven Larocque Speaker Editor There are 12 months of a new year ahead of us.The world will keep spinning, the sun will keep rising and setting, the seasons will keep to their cycles in 2018.So, what are we to do meanwhile, how do we fill in the spaces between all that natural,
Editorial cartoon December 27:
New days – same as the old?
By Steven LarocqueFrom the December 19 Toronto Star, by Martin Regg Cohn:“A year ago - call it the ghost of Christmas past - the media peppered Kathleen Wynne with questions about stepping down early to spare her Liberals a humiliating defeat in the next election.This week - perhaps the ghost
Going forward with optimism
It's a new year, like a shiny new toy. It's the bright and beckoning 2018.None of us know for sure what is ahead in the new year, but in Northern Ontario, we generally look forward with optimism.We do so because we have seen so much in our neighbours and friends
Merry Christmas!
At Christmas a new beginning
Although we traditionally begin our new year on January 1, in the hearts of many our year ends and begins with Christmas.Since November we have been celebrating the approach of Christmas, bringing residents throughout the region together through the many activities, both large and small.Reflections on the Biblical story, visits
Best wishes and keep on working
by Steven LarocqueIt’s the end of another year and, if you’re reading this, we all share one thing in common with each other – we’ve gotten a bit older.There’s something to be said for that (other