Always be asking
The Speaker reported over a month ago about the proposed amalgamation of the Englehart and Kirkland Lake hospitals.It’s been a long process – some five years – of talking and negotiating.As we reported, “They say neither hospital is to close, and all core services in both hospitals are to remain
A better way
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter Two years ago I visited Hornby Island in British Columbia. We were there to see family members. Our host, while happy to see us, was concerned that we would not find much to entertain us as we had come in the off-season for tourists. I told my family
Olympic reflections
Looking back, looking ahead
It's always worthwhile to take time to become more aware of the lifestyles that were lived by the seniors of the area.Even the lifestyle of the 1970s and 1980s is beginning to seem very different from today's worldly outlook and high expectations.The cost of everything has escalated dramatically.The dizzying rate
Ramblings on the big O
Steven Larocque Speaker Editor The Olympics wrapped-up February 25 and they were, by all accounts, a feast for the senses, a veritable smorgasbord of sports.Particularly for people who never watch sports any other time. And particularly for sports nobody watches for three years and 50 weeks before the Games begin.That’s a testament
365-day issue
The generosity of this region is remarkable.Consider the population of South Temiskaming – about 13,000 – and the way charities and special events and service clubs continue to help residents with money and clothing and medical equipment and in so many other ways.Consider the economic circumstance and the financial wherewithal
Personal bests and collective worsts
I’m not much of a sports fan, but it’s hard not to get caught up in the Olympics.For a couple of weeks every other year, the world’s athletes have a chance to shine.They’ve spent most of their young lives training to become the best in their sport in their respective
A 21st century valentine
Moving forward
As time goes on, area municipalities are increasingly seeing the need to work together for the betterment of all.Shared services and common purposes do not come without a price tag, however.Focusing on projects that could help us all will help to strengthen us all, even when there is a cost