A legend remembered
Supporting the future we want
As the economy works through the impact of the minimum wage increase, there are things that can be done at home to help offset the downside.Mainly, the message is "shop at home."Every dollar spent in another community is a dollar that is not spent at home. Every dollar spent on
Language, please
Steven Larocque Speaker Editor Donald Trump said a bad word last week.Referring to Haiti and El Salvador and unspecified African countries, he complained aloud in a meeting with officials about allowing citizens of those “shithole countries” to enter the United States.What’s curious is not the profanity coming from a person like Trump,
A medal moment
Ups and Downs
Now that the deep freeze has left South Temiskaming (for the time being) and more balmy January weather is in place, people are thinking back to the cars that wouldn’t start, the frozen pipes and broken water mains.Take a moment, though, to give a big thumbs up to all
Chloe’s white Christmas
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter Here in the North, a white Christmas is what we tend to expect.Growing up in the North, Christmas mornings always tended to be punctuated with frosted windows, giant icicles, and wide expanses of snow-covered fields.On sunny mornings, the trees were often coated in silver sparkling in the sunlight.It
Looking ahead
Starting here
Now into the new year of 2018, we are armed with determination that the future can be better than some are predicting.While the world stage is terrifying many people, at home we strongly urge steps to counter this.When world events shake and frighten us, the best strategy is to research
Resolve to be good
Steven Larocque Speaker Editor There are 12 months of a new year ahead of us.The world will keep spinning, the sun will keep rising and setting, the seasons will keep to their cycles in 2018.So, what are we to do meanwhile, how do we fill in the spaces between all that natural,