Refinery facility, president fined $625,000

COLEMAN (Special) – A Coleman waste disposal facility and its president have been fined a total of $625,000 for failure to comply with a court order to clean up the site and remove waste materials to a licensed facility.The Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change said

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Cobalt, Latchford and Coleman get economic development funding

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter COBALT -- Funding has been approved for an economic development officer to be shared between Cobalt, Latchford and Coleman Township.Cobalt council discussed the newly funded position at its regular meeting Tuesday evening, April 7.Cobalt Mayor Tina Sartoretto said the oversight of the economic

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Airport incorporation review continues

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – The groundwork is being laid for the creation of a corporation that would manage and operate the Earlton-Temiskaming Regional Airport.As the region’s municipalities discuss the future of the airport, 14 have endorsed what’s known as Option A.

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