
New program – Englehart curbside recycling starts

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART -- Englehart residents are now entering a new curbside recycling program.Eco-Logix has secured the contract to pick up recycling from Englehart residents and businesses.Residents will be placing a wide range of recyclable materials in one bin for pickup every other week, but

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Evanturel starts curbside recycling

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter EVANTUREL TOWNSHIP -- Evanturel Township will have its first curbside recycling pickup on Wednesday, January 21. The service will be provided to any township residents who have registered.Eco-Logix is providing the service for the township, and will be picking up the recycling again on

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Harley names new fire chief

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter HARLEY – Harley’s new fire chief hopes to boost department numbers.Todd Maguire, a former member of the Dymond and then Temiskaming Shores department, was named Harley Township’s fire chief December 9.The department now stands at 14 volunteers – a number he hopes to

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Englehart hospital lifts visitor restrictions

ENGLEHART (Special) – Visitors are welcome once again at Englehart and District Hospital.Restrictions were lifted January 12 after eight days had passed with no new cases of influenza A.But in a news release, the hospital stressed that regulations governing visitors will be enforced, and described them as

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Temagami awarded assisted living services

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – It’s going to be a little easier for frail seniors in Temagami to stay in their homes.The North East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) is providing $128,000 to provide assisted living services for eight high-risk seniors.It’ll mean 24-hour access to

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Smoother local implementation of OW and ODSP software

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter DISTRICT -- In Temiskaming, the implementation has been fairly smooth of the new software for Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program recipients, according to District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board (DTSSAB) chief administrative officer Don Studholme.But in other parts of

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Mirror on Temiskaming

The Mirror on Temiskaming: Violence Against Women series, which concludes this issue, was created because we were emboldened by the widespread conversation that had begun about gender- based violence stemming from stories ranging from professional athletes to politicians to the CBC radio host Jian Ghomeshi scandal.Coincidentally, the first

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