CHAMBERLAIN(Staff) – After stopping for what appeared to be a snowmobile thathad broken down, police ended up laying several charges against thedriver.TemiskamingOntario Provincial Police say officers came across the snowmobile onHighway 11 in Chamberlain between Road 2 and Road 3 shortly after 7a.m. February
Hit and run involving a dog under investigation
CHAMBERLAIN(Staff) – Police say a dog had to be euthanized after it was struckby a snowmobile in Chamberlain Township earlier this month.TemiskamingOntario Provincial Police are describing the incident, which occurredshortly before 8 p.m. February 2, as a hit and run.Policesay
Temagami’s Ice Man tries cold comfort
SueNielsenSpeakerReporterTEMAGAMI— You know the old saying, what doesn’t kill you makes youstronger?Whilemost of us are curled up inside reading a good book beside a warmfire on a cold day, a Temagami man is taking dips in
CJTT FM recognizes outstanding citizens
SueNielsenSpeakerReporterTEMISKAMINGSHORES — A few special people, in fact, outstanding citizens of theTemiskaming region, have been recognized by 104.5 CJTT FM asrecipients of the 2018 Citizen Awards.Theawards include the Citizen of the Year,
United Way inviting grant applications
TIMMINS(Special) – The regional United Way is now inviting local charitiesto submit grant applications.Thedeadline for registered charitable organizations in Temiskaming,Cochrane and the City of Timmins to apply for grants from the UnitedWay Centraide North East Ontario is March 8.
COBALT(Staff) — How to liven up a cold winter’s eve? Tired of Netflixand popcorn?Fora refreshing change bring the whole family to the Classic Theatre inCobalt for The Pied Piper KidShows exciting act called BAM onThursday, February 28, at 6:45 p.m.Theshow •Thumbs down to the number of impaired driving charges that are stillbeing incurred by area drivers.Nighttime,daytime, seven in the morning – there seems to be a rash ofinebriated behaviour of late at all times of the day and it’scutting across By Diane JohnstonI own a few cookbooks and a binder bulging with recipes I’ve clipped over the years.Tocatch my eye, there has to be a photo. I’ll try an unfamiliarrecipe only if there’s a picture to show me what the
PPKS presents BAM Percussion show
Campaign support
Ups and downs
Cooking 101: from soup to nix