Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES — It wasn’t the way they would have liked the season to end, but as the COVID-19 pandemic requires, safety was the top priority …
The Speaker March 25, 2020
First COVID-19 case reported in Temiskaming
The first reported case of a positive COVID-19 test in Temiskaming was made public March 24. The patient is self isolating and doing well, says the Timiskaming Health Unit. See … Continue reading First COVID-19 case reported in Temiskaming
OFSC trails close March 21
Due to the pandemic Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the constantly changing updates and directives from all levels of government, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) is taking proactive measures to … Continue reading OFSC trails close March 21
Special weather statement:
Environment Canada issued the following special weather statement for the Kirkland Lake, Temiskaming Shores and Temagami area at 5:15 a.m. Thursday morning: Rain tonight changing to snow Friday. Rain, heavy … Continue reading Special weather statement:
The Weekender March 20, 2020

What to expect and how to cope with COVID-19
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – “Please stay tuned.” So said Dr. Glenn Corneil, acting medical officer of health at the Timiskaming Health Unit, at a news conference early …