New Years, past and present
Thinking globally, acting locally
It's a new year and for a small community newspaper in a small corner of Northeastern Ontario, we look forward to 2019 with a recognition of the challenge that is in front of us all.The most important issue that we all have to face is climate change.We see large transports
New years, old words
By Steven LarocqueHere we are in a new year and the chance to do it all over again, but better.The New Year is an artificial construct of course, but it’s a powerful symbol lots of people use to resolve to improve themselves, make a difference – be better.Here we are
Editorial Cartoon December 24
Christmas, fore and aft
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter Gently falling snow, starry-eyed children, the faint scent of wood smoke, twinkling lights and flickering candles, carols in the air, home-baked treats....Enough of that.How about crappy weather and bad roads, long line-ups in stores and longer still credit card statements, and tired, whiny parents with over-sugared children?It's that
Holiday duty
At this time of year the good feelings and positive sentiments abound.Many parking lots at retail outlets are full to bursting which is good to see because this is when many businesses make enough money to see them through the lean months after the rush.It’s been said in this space
On a winter night
The days will start to get longer now and the holiday season is reaching its peak level with last-minute shopping, driving, visiting, meals and reunions with family and friends. Soon it will be Christmas Day.The dark evenings are punctuated with festive lights, falling snow, bright moonlight and winter stars.This is
Evolution – of a sort
By Steven LarocqueThis was the big headline (and it was indeed big, spread over seven of the eight columns of broadsheet newspaper you needed the wingspan of an NBA centre to hold comfortably) from the Thursday, October 12, 1967 Speaker:Arrest, charge suspected marijuana pusherBeneath the awkwardly worded headline is a