Weather to Echoesby Steven LarocqueWe’ve all been pleased with the weather of late, right?Those bitterly frigid, battery-killing, furnace-overworking days and nights.We like to warm ourselves with the thought that it’s always been this way so quit whining.Except it isn’t always this way.Our 1944 Across the Years feature has the following

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Ups and downs

Thumbs down to Mother Nature’s cold wrath. We know what to expect in winter, but the cold snap like that experienced last weekend throughout Temiskaming was too much for many people.Exhausted furnaces that finally gave out from overwork; cars that couldn’t start or had parts freeze up, rendering them useless;

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Living in challenging times

Growing awareness of climate change is resulting in increased discussion here in the North.But the voices that are raising concerns, and urging the government to act, are saying that the time for simple discussion is over.It's not just about mitigation, they are saying. It is now about mitigation and adaptation.Earthroots

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Help is out there

The month of January brings with it a tradition of making resolutions.They’re easy to make, easy to break, hard to keep.Even when it’s in our own best interest, a desire and resolve to change – habits, behaviours – for the better can always be difficult.Take advantage of programs and professionals

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