Food rights
Monday, December 10, was Human Rights Day and this year marked the 70th anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Food security is one of those rights and it comes to the fore at this time of year as people give generously to food banks.But what
Making every day special
By Darlene WroeI think the Christmas season started for me when I heard the radio play an Elvis Presley song titled Why Can't Everyday Be Like Christmas? The song was written by Red West.The song begins by saying that the bells are ringing in the season of cheer.It asks why
Lining up transportation needs
The response to the recent fuel spill on Highway 11 in Chamberlain Township saw crews work diligently to contain the spill and clean it up.But the incident draws our attention to the fact that with the constant and growing increase in the number of trucks and railcars carrying hazardous materials
Odds and ends
By Steven LarocqueAt this time of year charitable impulses give rise to good deeds and the sharing spirit.On December 14 and 15 at the Classic Theatre in Cobalt, Hannah Fedechko-Conroy will once again stage her A Christmas to Remember concert.Over the past four years the event has raised over $30,000
Consuming question
Tis the season – to protest
We’re definitely into the holiday season.Retailers are cranking up the displays, decorations are sparkling and twinkling in public and in home decorations.And the snow – mustn’t forget the snow, which can really turn people’s thoughts to Christmas and the annual family gatherings.It’s also a season of turmoil in 2018.News this
Banking on dollars and sense
By Diane JohnstonThere are any number of people in my life – relatives, friends, co-workers – who don't listen to me.After a recent experience with telephone banking, I can now add my virtual banking assistant to the list.I don't consider myself resistant to new technology.But I'm no early adopter –
Politics: a contact sport
The road to rebuild
Throughout the area, officials and others interested in the working of municipal organizations are deeply concerned for Evanturel Township council and staff after the devastating fire of Sunday, November 11.The fire gutted the township office and garage and destroyed many pieces of road equipment, including a new grader.The decision to