Ups and downs
•Thumbs down to the number of impaired driving charges that are stillbeing incurred by area drivers.Nighttime,daytime, seven in the morning – there seems to be a rash ofinebriated behaviour of late at all times of the day and it’scutting across
Cooking 101: from soup to nix
By Diane JohnstonI own a few cookbooks and a binder bulging with recipes I’ve clipped over the years.Tocatch my eye, there has to be a photo. I’ll try an unfamiliarrecipe only if there’s a picture to show me what the

Editorial Cartoon
Nobody’s perfect
By Steven LarocqueReaders have no doubt heard about the troubles our friends inAmerica have been having of late with three government officials in the stateof Virginia.The governor has led a pretty exemplary life having served inthe military and been a
What Northern drivers need
The winter onslaught reminds usthat Northern highways do not get treated the same as Southern Ontariohighways.Because Northern highways havelower traffic numbers, response times for maintenance are less immediate thanSouthern Ontario highways. It's in the policy.A rapid

The Forecast
An amazing world
By Darlene WroeOne of the things I would do differently if I had my childhood to live again is that I would listen to the birds more.They were so abundant when I was a child that I didn't realize or think that several decades later there would be far fewer
Thanking the winter heroes
The middle of winter is the hardest time of year for many people, and for homes, town infrastructure and roads as well.This is the time of year when, if something is going to go wrong, it probably will.When things do go wrong though, there are people on call in various

Groundhog Day February 2
Helping our environment
As we look out on the snow-covered towns and countryside, it's hard to remember the heat of summer.It also might be challenging to remember the summer of 2018 when fires raged in our forests.In the deep of winter, there could be a question as