St. Patrick's Day
Let’s focus
There is no doubt that this is a federal election year.This October, Canadian voters will once again be pondering which political party, set of policies, leaders and regional representatives we want to put on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.
By Steven LarocqueLast week’s Speaker editorial asked if the SNC-Lavalin story/scandal/controversy had legs.Seems so.It has moved to the backburner and cooled off thanks to the news cycle that needs fresh meat for Peoplein the news business like to think every day is a big news day –but what a big news day it was last Wednesday indeed.February27 saw the stars align and news watchers were treated to the latestDonald Trump spectacle concerning North Korea and denuclearizationtalks.
By Darlene WroeThepolitical uproar on Parliament Hill really shows the challenge ofgovernance in this day and age.Ina world of international business, with world players who range fromaltruistic to dangerously corrupt, those who are at the table Thank you Opportunity Recent regional and national news items have shown that a few school groups have taken on a generous gesture at this time of year.Students have gathered into groups and tackled the shovelling of driveways in their communities to help out by Steven LarocqueEveryone who drives a vehicle in Northern Ontario has had the getting in problem.There’s that evening rain that turns to drizzle that gets frozen solid when the temperature dips and your car is a big frozen internal combustion
Seems so
Does it have legs?
Knowing our situation
Clearing the way
The ins and outs of winter living