Letter of the Week
Retrieving Misty for meDear Editor:Twice now my dog Misty has darted out the door, went for her run, and she has been brought home to me.Misty is only a year old, still a puppy, and wants to run.Folks either know her through me, or recognize
Letters to the Editor
This has been overlookedDear Editor:I am in agreement with Mr. Edwards’ letter “Bent out of shape” (Speaker issue of March 25 2015) in which he said humans cause many accidents by reliance on the aid of technology.I too believe that we place too much faith in
From the Editor’s Desk
Sunny Times[caption id="attachment_1019" align="alignleft" width="200"] Speaker Editor - Gordon Brock[/caption]It’s Easter Week. It’s also the week when the ice huts are to come off Lake Temiskaming. Plus it’s the week we prepare for a long weekend
Community Food Bank Drive
This coming Saturday, March 28 , from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Spring Temiskaming Speaker Community Food Bank Drive takes place. For several years this newspaper has been leading the charge by hosting two yearly food drives, one in the fall just before the Thanksgiving
Fighting for the North
Dear Editor:I am writing this letter on Ontario Northland bus services.There was no reason to close the Englehart station and the Matheson station.How in the world are people going to be able to buy their bus ticket?I don’t understand it.I don’t understand why the
Bent out of shape
Dear Editor:As I see it, we have linked all the disasters of trains moving oil into one basket. It’s unfortunate that these things happen. The accident in Quebec wasn’t caused by the train derailment as we have seen the past month. It was plain
April campaign in city but not Englehart
Dear Editor:April is Cancer Month and there will not be a door to door canvas in the Town of Englehart and surrounding townships this April.Englehart is under the direction of the Timmins branch of the Canadian Cancer Society and they chose not to do the April campaign
A great bunch
Dear Editor:I live in a small town and I love, love, living in my small town of Temiskaming Shores.I would like to send a dump truck full of red roses to the town employees, my plumber, and my neighbour Tracey – she’s a jewel!I was recently
Change is in the air
Area residents are visibly cheered by the advent of the first signs of spring.Sounds of long-absent birds are now filling the air.A south wind feels like a free trip to the sunny south.Everyone is in a better mood.Area activities will also be picking up steam,
Letter to the Editor
Enough is EnoughDear Editor:Attention: Northeastern Ontario and Timiskaming-Cochrane MPP John Vanthof and MP Charlie Angus and Premier Kathleen Wynne:I am writing this letter to invite you to see with your own eyes the hardships that is being put on many of the people in the Province of