Letter of the Week
Great experience at Temiskaming HospitalDear Editor:A very special thank you to everyone.My daughter, sisters, brother, sister-in laws, brother-in laws, nieces, dear friends, too many to mention by name but you know who you are.Thank you for all the visits and helping hands that I received
Supporting an off-leash park
Dear Editor:My dog Misty and me have received many comments in support of this proposal of an off-leash park.The area being proposed is seldom, if ever, used and is between the north end of the swings at the main New Liskeard beach to the drainage ditch, from
From the Editor’s Desk
Our long hot summer• Horrific terrorist attacks occur almost weekly in Europe with the most innocent of society being the targets.• In the United States fatal shootings by police officers and of police officers have been happening if not at unprecedented rates, certainly at
That truck driver
Dear Editor:This is an open letter to the westbound transport driver on the West Road in Haileybury the night of Thursday July 28, shortly before midnight.No thanks to you, I, as well as my car, survived our encounter with you without a scratch.I don’t know
Letter of the Week
Dear Editor:This is regarding the cartoon in the July 20 Speaker:I have sent your Blue Jays cartoon of Kitty Cohen to my friend Leigh in North York to pass on to Kitty whom I know as a tap dancer. I was taken aback to see her featured
After the Bikers Reunion
Dear Editor:During the last Bikers Reunion I spoke to many of the bikers as I took Misty on her many daily walks through the camp grounds.Every biker I spoke to expressed their disappointment at this being the last reunion.Other bikers mentioned that different locations were being
From the Editor’s Desk
Mid-summer notesBack from a two-week vacation, a community newspaper editor flips through his notebook…FADS AND HABITSIncluded among the stories in this week’s Speaker is our front page story on the popularity of the Pokémon GO fad in our area.Pokémon GO is a new mobile game
Develop a system
Dear Editor:This is an open letter to the Honourable Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health & Long Term Care.Dear Minister Hoskins:In early 2016 several cases involving non-emergency medical transportation received media attention in my riding of Timiskaming-Cochrane. Two separate cases involved seniors being left without proper transportation,
Thanking Barry and his army
Dear Editor:This letter is to commend Barry Phippen and his army of volunteers.I know that they work all year to prepare for the Bikers Reunion.We tend to forget that the real purpose of the reunion is to raise funds to help our cancer patients which
Letter of the Week
Researching rural public schoolsDear Editor:The Little Claybelt Homesteaders’ Museum is completing its research on the rural public schools of our area.We are still missing photos and information on some schools. If you could help with some of these missing pieces, would you please contact Margaret Villneff