Volunteer Sue Flaxey recently accepted a cheque for $5,000 on behalf of the Dymond Firefighters’ Park from Frog’s Breath director Steve Stinkowji. The money will be used to help purchase three new benches, affixed with Frog’s Breath logos, which will be placed in the park for use by area

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Coleman sees growth in year

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter COLEMAN – Coleman Mayor Dan Cleroux characterized 2015 as a “pretty good year.”In a year-end interview, Mayor Cleroux said council kept a lid on taxes as it saw its residential growth continue.Turning to infrastructure, he said its long-term program to hard-surface the township’s

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Kerns worked on drains and roads

KERNS TOWNSHIP (Staff) -- Municipal drains and roads dominated Kerns Township’s 2015.The North Quarry Road was gravelled through funding from the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund.Repairs were carried out on the Hillcoat Drain, the Omer Beaudry Drain, and the Little Drain.The township signed a contract with Kevin

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Roads, lighting was on James’ agenda

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter ELK LAKE – James Township’s reeve characterized 2015 in the municipality as “business as usual.”The municipality resurfaced three streets and plans work on another one in 2016, said Reeve Terry Fiset.The new year will be brighter, thanks to the installation of energy-efficient LED

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Salvation Army Kettle Campaign needs volunteer help

Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES — The New Liskeard Salvation Army Christmas Kettle bell is ringing for donations and volunteer help.It is ringing for support from everyone in the Temiskaming region.The Christmas Kettle Campaign has officially begun in the Temiskaming region and while people are out

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