Drawing cultural communities together
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter DYMOND -- Four communities of people living around Lake Temiskaming met for the seventh time since 2011 in a long-term objective of “Building Ties Among Us In Temiskaming.”The First Nations, Quebec francophones, Ontario francophones, and anglophones gathered Wednesday, April 13
Snow clearance expectations during in storms
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter CHARLTON-DACK -- While it is hoped that the season is over for winter storms, Municipality of Charlton and Dack staff and council had some comments to make about calls from the public about road clearance expectations during a recent severe storm.Public works superintendent
Englehart resident Jessie Harman was taking advantage of the recent warm, sunny weather by doing a little spring cleanup raking leaves at a friend’s place on 9th Avenue last Friday, April 29. (Staff photo by Sue Nielsen)
Firefighter Ray Brazeau was part of a bucket brigade cleaning cars rather than extinguishing flames at the Dymond Fire Station on the weekend. The car wash, together with a giant garage sale, silent auction and other activities, raised just over $14,400 for the Ronald McDonald House Fund. For further
“Legalize marijuana” was the rallying cry as close to 30 people gathered across the street from the Haileybury Court House in the Cenotaph Park on Wednesday, April 20. The movement is called 420 Northern Ontario and spokesperson Kim Cooper from Englehart said people around Northern Ontario and globally would
House fund building on $14,400
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – Suds and sales are helping families of seriously ill children who must stay in Toronto and Ottawa for medical care.A massive car wash, yard sale and silent auction at the Dymond fire station April 23 raised just over $14,400 for the
Area volunteers feed school breakfast program success
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES — Volunteers are the backbone of any community, none more so than school breakfast programs where volunteerism feeds the success of the breakfast programs offered at 27 schools across the region.Every school in the South Temiskaming region offers a breakfast program. Some
Earlton volunteer receives national honour
THUNDER BAY (Special) – An Earlton woman has been formally recognized for many years of community involvement with a host of organizations.Debbie Demers was presented the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award at a ceremony at Thunder Bay city hall March 29.The citation at the
Coleman clerk-treasurer retires after 35 years
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter COLEMAN TOWNSHIP -- Claire Bigelow retired Thursday, March 31 from the position of clerk-treasurer of Coleman Township after more than 35 years.She has been in the company of numerous staff people and councils over the years, but noted that she had been working alongside
April is Cancer Awareness Month and the Canadian Cancer Society kicks off the month with their daffodil sales fundraiser. For a cash offering you can pick up a daffodil pin for your coat, suit or other clothing. Volunteering at Chartrand’s Grocer Saturday, April 2 are students, Daykota Garton and