Takingthe plunge to help studentsDarleneWroeSpeakerReporterTEMISKAMINGSHORES – TDSS is dipping into frigid waters to help its students.TimiskamingDistrict Secondary School's (TDSS) student council is bandingtogether to support students who have strong academic marks but
Bus driver charged
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – A school bus driver was charged afterpolice responded to a collision on Highway 11 in Dymond Township.TemiskamingOntario Provincial Police say a northbound school bus with ninestudents on board collided with a southbound vehicle on the highwayat Golf Course Road shortly
CHCC on hold pattern
The Cobalt-Haileybury Curling Club (CHCC) was scheduled for a visit from an engineer with respect to some minor structural issues at the club this week.For safety, the executive has suspended allactivities at the club until an official determination on next steps is made.
DarleneWroeSpeakerReporterDISTRICT– A new association is hoping to improve services to areamunicipalities.TheTemiskaming Municipal Building Association (TMBA) is in the processof reorganization in order to better serve its 21 membermunicipalities.Asa result, the Temiskaming Municipal DarleneWroeSpeakerReporterENGLEHART- The Englehart Winter Carnival March 1 to 3 was a big hit.EnglehartWinter Carnival committee chair Theresa Hall said it was estimated atleast 200 kids participated.Everyonechipped in to make this event a Steven Larocque Speaker Editor TEMISKAMING SHORES – The Pedersen Pee WeePuckhounds came home Sunday with gold medals around their necks.The team competed in Hearst March 1-3 atthe six-team Northern Ontario Hockey Association (NOHA) Tournament Steven Larocque Speaker Editor TEMISKAMING SHORES – Hosting the Bantam ANOHA Tournament of Champions this weekend has its benefits.“It’s always fun to play locally as you getto sleep in your bed and eat home-cooked Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES — Claude Denomme’s nameis synonymous with the New Liskeard Cubs.The Cubs formed as a Juvenile hockey teamin 1953 and over the decades many players and coaches have worn TEMISKAMINGSHORES (Special) – Newborns at Temiskaming Hospital will sleep moreeasily, thanks to the Valentine's Day Radiothon.Almost$22,500 in pledges were made during the five-hour on-air campaign onCJTT FM February 9.Themoney is earmarked for infant care beds, which the hospital describedas critical DarleneWroeSpeakerReporterHAILEYBURY- The Haileybury campus of Northern College will be the scene ofAwareness DayWednesday, March 20, to help people become aware of services that areavailable to those with disabilities.AshleyCharette, advising assistant at Northern College, is a
Building Association reorganizing
Englehart event scores another great year
Pedersens take title and move on to OHF
Eberts welcome three teams for Bantam NOHA
Denomme receives NOHA Builder Award
Radiothon funds new infant care beds
Raising awareness about disabilities services