Environment Canada issued the following freezing rain warning for theKirkland Lake, Englehart, Temiskaming Shores and Temagami area at 3:40 p.m.today (Tuesday, March 12):Freezingrain is expected overnight.Freezing rain will last for a few hours before
Special Weather Statement-Snow this weekend
According to an Environment Canada weather alert, snow is expected to begin late Saturday night and into Sunday with upwards of 10- 20 centimetres expected. Motorists should be prepared for hazardous winter driving conditions.
The Weekender – March 08, 2019
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Part of roof at former Uniboard collapses
Partof roof at former Uniboard collapsesSueNielsenSpeakerReporterTEMISKAMINGSHORES — Copious amounts of snow in the South Temiskaming regionthis winter has caused havoc with area roofs.Sometime over the course of Friday evening, March 1, a