
Radiothon funds new infant care beds

TEMISKAMINGSHORES (Special) – Newborns at Temiskaming Hospital will sleep moreeasily, thanks to the Valentine's Day Radiothon.Almost$22,500 in pledges were made during the five-hour on-air campaign onCJTT FM February 9.Themoney is earmarked for infant care beds, which the hospital describedas critical

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Raising awareness about disabilities services

DarleneWroeSpeakerReporterHAILEYBURY- The Haileybury campus of Northern College will be the scene ofAwareness DayWednesday, March 20, to help people become aware of services that areavailable to those with disabilities.AshleyCharette, advising assistant at Northern College, is a

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Northern Ontario showcased at PDAC

TEMISKAMINGSHORES (Staff) – A dozen businesses from the South Temiskaming andTemagami areas showed their services to the world this week at amammoth mining exhibition in Toronto.Theywere among more than 110 suppliers from the region taking part in theNorthern Ontario Mining Showcase at the PDAC

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City council turns down accommodation tax

DianeJohnstonSpeakerReporterTEMISKAMINGSHORES – City council has reservations about a proposedaccommodation tax for visitors.OnFebruary 19, Temiskaming Shores council unanimously rejected a staffrecommendation that it implement a four per cent tax on hotel, motel,cottage and short-term accommodations users.

Does it have legs?

Peoplein the news business like to think every day is a big news day –but what a big news day it was last Wednesday indeed.February27 saw the stars align and news watchers were treated to the latestDonald Trump spectacle concerning North Korea and denuclearizationtalks.