TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) — The Kawartha Male Chorus will bring their singing talents to Temiskaming Shores to the delight of young and old. On Saturday, May 25, the choir … Continue reading Kawartha chorus coming to Temiskaming Shores

CJTT awards presented during Chamber dinner
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES — For a quarter of a century, volunteers making a difference in South Temiskaming have been recognized for their efforts in a special …

EHS team builds silver finish at Skills Ontario
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART – Two Englehart High students transformed wood into silver at a province-wide skills competition. Travis Cudney and Josh Marshall returned from the Skills Ontario …
Hospital outbreak declared over
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff/Special) – The norovirus outbreak at Temiskaming Hospital is over, two-and-a-half weeks after it was discovered. The hospital declared an end to the outbreak May 15 after …

Excalibur Sword...
Facing climate change
This winter and spring have brought new challenges with heavy snow and then ice damage and flooding. Municipalities and area residents have faced a variety of problems. Engineering of …
Odds and ends
By Steven Larocque There’s a pilot project in Toronto where people can order their groceries online and the store will send a van with the merchandise to that person’s last …

One Foot Forward donates $50,000 to splash pad Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES — A little boy and his grampa continue to send waves of goodness throughout the community. …
The Speaker May 22, 2019
Cubs host successful spring training camp
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES — Hosting a spring training camp for hockey teams has become a way to gauge the talent available to a team when the …