
Bolesworth wants to move Hilliard forward

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter HILLIARD TOWNSHIP - Hilliard Township's new reeve, Laurie Bolesworth, says she wants to see the township moving forward in 2019.She said roads and infrastructure are the main focus in the township.Increasing the tax base is also something she wants to see happening as the township moves forward, she

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Kerns Township looking forward to new term

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter KERNS TOWNSHIP - Kerns Township now has a full complement for its council going into the new term.Loren Runnalls has joined the council under Reeve Terry Phillips and alongside Mark Lenover, Carter Seymour and Dennis Jibb.Phillips said Runnalls is a farmer and grew up in Kerns Township. His

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Town needs “Plan B” with reduced staff

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter COBALT - The Cobalt public works staff is working at a reduced number and also has been experiencing problems with equipment.Fewer staff also must respond immediately to alarm callouts from the water plant when they occur.The early winter has also created a challenge at a time when resources

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Lost in wilderness of red tape

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter JAMES TOWNSHIP - Who is responsible for the cost of helping a young woman get out of a wilderness location to obtain medical care?James Township and the District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board (DTSSAB) are disputing the question.A cost of $6,300 was levied by James Township from

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DTSSAB seeking new CAO

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter DISTRICT - The District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board (DTSSAB) is searching for a new chief administrative officer.Don Studholme, who formerly was the CAO of Kirkland Lake, has stated his intention of retiring in 2019."It's time for me to move on and do other things," said Studholme

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Hopes Chamber will be resurrected in future

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART - The Englehart and District Chamber of Commerce has been disbanded.Wayne Stratton, who served as the final president of the Chamber, issued a letter to members of the Chamber advising that an executive meeting was held November 20 but without a quorum. This was the second meeting

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Art show explores This Rich Earth

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter COBALT - Savard Township artist Linda Mustard is exhibiting her art works at the Mezzanine Gallery at the Cobalt Classic Theatre through February.The exhibition, titled This Rich Earth, features 20 acrylic paintings exploring the idea of growth, life force, and earth, Mustard explained in a telephone interview."It's a

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Living in challenging times

Growing awareness of climate change is resulting in increased discussion here in the North.But the voices that are raising concerns, and urging the government to act, are saying that the time for simple discussion is over.It's not just about mitigation, they are saying. It is now about mitigation and adaptation.Earthroots

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