Power expected to be fully restored on Boxing Day

Power expected to be fully restored on Boxing Day


DISTRICT (Staff-Special) – Not only was it a Green Christmas in Temiskaming, it was also a hydro-less Christmas as the Christmas Eve windstorm left thousands living in our area without power. Hydro One, in a release issued Christmas night, said “ it is expected all customers will be restored tomorrow (Boxing Day December 26).”

Tens of thousands of people across Northern Ontario were without power Christmas Eve.

On the morning of December 24, Environment Canada issued a wind warning for the region, stating in cases winds could reach as high as 90 kilometres an hour.

Mid-morning, Hydro One issued a release stating the loss of power.

Just before noon, Hydro One issued another release stating “large parts of northeastern Ontario affected by high winds. Multiple areas of damage, downed trees and conductor.”

The area affected, according to Hydro One, ran from the District of Algoma to the Quebec border.

In the New Liskeard area, Hydro One reports that “4917” customers were affected by the power outage.

As of noon Christmas Eve it was reported by Hydro One that 49,543 customers across Northern Ontario were without power.

Late Christmas Eve night Hydro One reported that power was restored to much, but not all ,of the areas affected by the wind storm.

In the New Liskeard area, it was reported “2,538”customers would have no power over the night.

Christmas night Hydro One reported the number of people in their New Lsikeard area that would remain without power for another night was at “404” customers.


Power expected to be fully restored on Boxing Day was last modified: December 26th, 2015 by Editorial Staff