City using services of Temiskaming Building Association inspector

DISTRICT — Clayton Seymour continues to work for the Temiskaming Municipal Building Association (TMBA) as its building inspector.

At the same time, he is providing his service to the City of Temiskaming Shores, coming in on Friday afternoons and on an as-needed basis for the interim, according to Temiskaming Shores city manager Chris Oslund.

Mr. Oslund said the city has also appointed Mr. Seymour as its chief building official by bylaw while other avenues are considered.

The city is being billed by the TMBA on an hourly basis for the services provided by Mr. Seymour, Mr. Oslund added.

Mr. Oslund said the city has also advertised the position of chief building officer.

Mr. Oslund said he has been asked by council to investigate the process for joining the TMBA as a member. Mr. Oslund said the 21 member municipalities would have to consider the city’s request to join the TMBA, with a majority approval before that could take place.

City using services of Temiskaming Building Association inspector was last modified: January 7th, 2016 by Editorial Staff