Lions win regional title and head to All-Ontario

NStevenLarocqueSpeakerEditorKAPUSKASING– There was no other option for the New Liskeard Lions than to winthe NOHA if they were to move on to next month’s All-Ontariochampionship.Theteam did just that on Sunday.

Two teams taking their turns at provincial titles

TStevenLarocqueSpeakerEditorTEMISKAMINGSHORES – High school curlers heading to the provincial playdowns inNorth Bay this week will be shooting from different perspectives.TheGirls from TDSS are old hands at OFSAA, but the Boys from ESCSM aretaking their first shot.

Wilson Atoms make the OHF cut

Steven Larocque Speaker Editor SUDBURY – The Wilson Chevrolet Buick GMC Atoms lost only one game at their NOHA playoffs last weekend.Luckily, it came against the perfect team to do so.