Horne granite report

Recent league results from the Horne Granite Centre:Afternoon League March 25: Ernie Gravelle over Brian Flaxey, Roger Moreau over Shirley Lavigne, Joan Broughton over Marcel DeBernardi, Denis DeGrace over Real Lefebvre, and Denise Joyal tied Joe Montreuil.Afternoon League March 27: Wind-up day tournament was won by Lucienne Robert, Mariette St.

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Straight from the hip

It’s time to take you out to the ball game as the 2014 Major League Baseball season gets under way so here are my final standings.National West: Los Angeles Dodgers, San Francisco Giants, Arizona Diamondbacks, San Diego Padres and Colorado Rockies.National Central: St. Louis Cardinals, Cincinnati Reds, Pittsburgh Pirates, Milwaukee

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Brownlee/Dental undefeated in championship season

TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – It was a perfect season for Brownlee Equipment/Dental Hygiene on the Move.The team never lost a game and placed first overall in the Active 1 Source for Sports Ladies Basketball League for 2013-14. They went on to win the playoff championship, defeating Pedersen Concrete 35-24.St. Cyr

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Another title

Ebert Bantams heating-up for All-OntarioHEARST (Special) – It’s proving to be a banner year for the Ebert Welding Bantams with another championship under their belts and their biggest challenge yet to come.The Puckhounds made the long trip to Hearst worthwhile March 21-23, reeling off five straight victories en route to the

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National exposure

Local cross-country skiers on The RockTEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – For Katherine Denis and Hannah Story-Korman, results from a week of cross-country skiing in Newfoundland Labrador should provide a confidence boost for future competitions.The pair competed March 15-22 in Corner Brook at the Haywood 2014 Ski Nationals. The event was held

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