Latchford dam grounds rehabilitation

LATCHFORD (Staff) -- The final touches are being put on the area around the Latchford control dam as landscaping and paving take place.The dam, owned by Public Services Procurement Canada (PSPC), was reconstructed over 2015-16 and work was completed on the project at the end of 2016. Rehabilitation of the

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Brethour Township has new clerk-treasurer

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter BELLE VALLEE - Belle Vallee resident Cathy Beach has taken over the position of clerk-treasurer of Brethour Township.Beach replaces Pam Bennewies who has held the position for the past 12 years.Beach has been training since the first week of March and Bennewies will continue to train her until

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Governments decry softwood tariffs

TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – In the wake of the U.S. countervailing duties on softwood lumber, Ontario is calling on the federal government to create a loan guarantee program.Ontario is joining Quebec in calling for a federal program to protect forest companies, said Natural Resources and Forestry Minister Kathryn

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NOP names Timiskaming-Cochrane candidate

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – A North Cobalt man will run under the Northern Ontario Party banner in the next provincial election.Shawn Poirier was named the fledgling party’s candidate in Timiskaming-Cochrane April 22.Poirier, 40, was born in Kirkland Lake but moved to the Temiskaming Shores

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New Democrats ready for ’18 election

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter EARLTON – The next scheduled provincial election is more than a year away, but Ontario New Democrats are making plans.The party announced that leader Andrea Horwath received the endorsement of 90 per cent of the 1,200 delegates at the April 21-23 convention in Toronto.

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