Founder of Northern Ontario party remembered as an “icon”
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – The founder of a political party that once advocated for a province of Northern Ontario died in North Bay last week. …

FONOM honours Reeve Merrill Bond
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter CHARLTON-DACK – Merrill Bond, reeve of the Municipality of Charlton and Dack, has been presented with an executive award from the Federation of Northern …
Changes proposed for Temagami building bylaw
By Jamie Mountain Local Journalism Initiative Reporter TEMAGAMI – Harsher penalties may soon be enforced when it comes to Temagami’s building bylaw. Municipal bylaw enforcement officer Daryl Bell informed council …
Englehart speed limit signs up
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART – Signs have been going up in the Town of Englehart to remind drivers that the speed limit is 50 kilometres an hour. At Englehart’s …
Mayor defends council from attacks
COBALT (Staff) – Cobalt Mayor George Othmer says that lately Cobalt council has had “a lot of abuse inflicted (and) it has to stop.” Referring to social media statements, he …
Council approves OCWA rate increase
By Jamie Mountain Local Journalism Initiative Reporter TEMAGAMI – The municipality of Temagami approved a motion that will see an increase of $995.45 in its monthly Ontario Clean Water Agency …
Davidson seeking to be representative on AMO rural caucus
By Jamie Mountain Local Journalism Initiative Reporter TEMAGAMI – Treasurer-administrator Craig Davidson has received Temagami council’s support for his expression of interest to serve as the staff representative on the …
Englehart raising water rates, hoping for a standpipe
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART – Englehart council has agreed to a staff recommendation to increase water rates by five per cent in 2021 and by an additional one per …
Cobalt water bills folded into property taxes
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter COBALT – Cobalt council and staff have decided to add the utility bill to the town’s property tax for 2021. Ratepayers of the town will be …
Cobalt appoints interim clerk-treasurer
COBALT (Staff) – Cobalt officially appointed John Hodgson as its interim clerk-treasurer. The appointment took place Tuesday evening, October 20 at the regular meeting of council. In early October, Cobalt …