June 26 deadline
Thank you WWII VetsDISTRICT (Staff) – As regular readers would know, these past few months The Temiskaming Speaker has asked the public for help in making us aware of surviving World War II veterans living in our area whose stories may not have been previously published in The
A place to grow
A major infrastructure project is now taking place in Latchford with the replacement of a dam that is more than 100 years old.The massive project has a value of $25.7 million and will be taking place over two years.It establishes security for properties along
Blanche blitz nets 22 charges
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Special/Staff) – Twenty-two charges and “numerous” warnings were issued in an enforcement blitz on the opening weekend of walleye season on the Blanche.The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry recently released the results of the May 15-18 targeted enforcement.Over four days, ministry staff laid
Cecchini named detachment commander
[caption id="attachment_8369" align="alignleft" width="240"] Brent Cecchini[/caption]TEMISKAMING SHORES (Special) – A familiar face is returning to the Temiskaming Ontario Provincial Police.Brent Cecchini has been named the detachment’s new commander, effective
Daniel Trask’s legacy
Son’s disappearance sparks new advocacy for families of the missing Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter WATERLOO – While questions remain about the death of a Waterloo man in the Temagami backcountry, “the big one is answered,” said Maureen Trask.The remains of her son Daniel, missing for the past
Twenty-two Grade 12 students at Timiskaming District Secondary School (TDSS) held their annual Physics Showcase on May 22. They used components learned in the course to create seven inventive projects that dealt with mass, angles, velocities and other aspects of physics. Seen here are partners Kate-Lynn Lavallee (far right),
Norovirus confirmed in gastrointestinal illness case
Agnico Eagle gives major gift to CobaltDiane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – Norovirus was confirmed in one individual who fell ill after an outbreak of gastrointestinal illnesses in the Temiskaming Shores area late last month.Marlene Spruyt, medical officer of health, said June 3 that lab testing
Chamberlain passes 2015 budget
CHAMBERLAIN TOWNSHIP (Staff) -- Chamberlain Township council approved their 2015 budget Tuesday, June 2.The budget includes an unforeseen expense of $46,000 for repair of the township grader.“In order to cover that, we are going to transfer $40,000 out of the reserves,” explained township clerk-treasurer/chief administrative officer Calvin
The Review
355 Polaris Squadron impresses with annual ceremonySteven Larocque Speaker Reporter "(It’s) the best youth development program in the country and is the envy of many other nations."-- Lieutenant-Colonel Joe MacMillan.[gallery ids="8273,8272"]ENGLEHART – With family and friends filling the stands at the Englehart arena,
Food handler suspected as source of illness
SICKENINGDiane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – A sick food handler at a Temiskaming Shores restaurant is suspected as the source of an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness.Up to 40 individuals appear to have developed symptoms after eating at the location May 22 and 23, said Marlene