Getting on board
Network building case for passenger trainsDiane Johnston Speaker Reporter EARLTON – Restoring passenger rail service in Northern Ontario will be “an uphill battle,” says a spokesperson for an organization advocating for its return.But it’s also crucial, in light of an aging population and a vulnerable highway
Eighteen break-ins
DISTRICT (Staff/Special) — The Temiskaming Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have been investigating 18 recent occurrences of break and enters involving cottages and boat houses located on Lake Temagami.The OPP remind the public that cottage break and enters, damage and theft are serious concerns
Hilliard’s Veley bridge repairs complete
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter HILLIARD TOWNSHIP -- The work on the Veley Bridge in Hilliard Township is complete, and has exceeded the goal of a 20-tonne weight restriction.The bridge can now hold a 22.5- tonne vehicle, said Hilliard clerk-treasurer Alex Regele.The bridge repair was carried out by
Lillian Violet Byberg (Young)
March 27, 1918 - January 24, 2017Lillian was born in North Cobalt on
District service administration board seeking new member
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter DISTRICT -- The District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board (DTSSAB) is seeking another member to join its board.At its regular meeting Wednesday, January 18, the board members were advised that it is time to begin the search for a new board member to
Infection control a “system-wide” issue
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART – Controlling infections in a hospital setting is complicated, says the chief executive officer of Englehart and District Hospital.Screening patients and visitors as they enter the facility and working on infection control with all its staff, public health officials and visiting medical specialists
Teen charged in New Liskeard Mac’s Convenience Store robbery
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES — A 16 year-old youth has been charged in connection with a robbery at the Mac’s Convenience store, located at 14 Paget Street in New Liskeard on Wednesday, January 11 at approximately 7 p.m.According to the Temiskaming Detachment of the Ontario Provincial
Purse snatching incident in Cobalt
COBALT (Staff) — A woman was accosted and her purse was taken while walking on Silver Street in downtown Cobalt on Wednesday, January 11, shortly after 6 p.m., say the Temiskaming Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police.Police say the purse robber’s face was concealed at the time of
Paying more for food
Health Unit tracking the cost of eating wellTEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – How much does it cost to feed a family in Temiskaming?Using local grocery store prices and a provincial model, the Timiskaming Health Unit calculated the average cost to feed a family of four in
Doubt about numbers
Bear management association wants better dialogue with ministryDarlene Wroe Speaker Reporter [caption id="attachment_15212" align="alignleft" width="225"] Northeastern Ontario