Final Notice of Forced Power Interruption To Hydro One Customers

Time of Issue: 15:48  Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2014Hydro One Operations Centre:NEW LISKEARDArea or Townships Affected:HAILEYBURY, DYMOND, NEW LISKEARD, LATCHFORD, FIRSTBROOK, COBALT, GILLIES LIMIT,BUCKE, COLEMAN & LORRAINDate and Time of Interruption and Number of Customers Affected:Tuesday Mar. 25, 2014 from 12:55 until 17:00 (4.1 hrs), 4611 Customers, ORMS ID: 3989378Reason

Notice of Forced Power Interruption To Hydro One Customers

Operations Center: NEW LISKEARDAffected Areas: HAILEYBURY, DYMOND, NEW LISKEARD, LATCHFORD, FIRSTBROOK, COBALT, GILLIES LIMIT, BUCKE, COLEMAN, LORRAINNumber of Customers: 4611Start Time: 25/03/2014 12:55ETR Time: 25/03/2014 17:00Reason for Interruption: cause unknown at this timeActions Being Taken: Crews are on siteGeneral Information: This is a revised notice: approximately 3100 customers restored. 1537