Daniel is now missing for over 30 months. It has been a very long winter, and still no information or leads. Attached is an updated flyer for distribution, as well as a map showing items found to date (Click here to download the flyer).

Our focus for this year’s search will be north of whereDaniel’s winter clothing was found in May 2012 and back pack in Aug. 2013. We believe he was headed north to caves he had spoken of in his earlier trip. He said they were between the last portage to Willow Island Lake and a smaller unnamed lake. This is all we have to go on, he spoke of it to a friend as well the night before he disappeared. No one we spoke with knows of any caves in that area. But, we must try to find them and hopefully find Daniel. Please share and post as you deem appropriate.
If you require more information or have questions, just let us know, or have any knowledge of caves in that area, please contact us.
For updates and information see:
- Ottertooth News Brief and links to Temagami Forum pages http://www.ottertooth.com/Temagami/newsbriefs.htm#ma15b
- MibSAR site for Daniel http://www.tinyurl.com/DanielTrask
- FB page titled Daniel Trask is Missing https://www.facebook.com/pages/Daniel-Trask-is-Missing/141269306065266?ref=hl
It is our goal to ensure awareness continues and anyone going into this area knows what to look for and who to contact if something is found. We appreciate your continued support and help in spreading our message.
With our thanks,
Maureen and Don Trask
Waterloo ON, 519-884-3285