Notes from the pandemic
By Steven Larocque “We’re all stuck at home now” No. No we’re not. That’s from a New York Times column from March 25 and it’s those kinds of pronouncements that …

Nearing April
Editor’s note
It’s only March, but it’s obvious the Story of the Year for 2020 across the world is the COVID-19 pandemic. Geography is no barrier and our first local case was …
By Diane Johnston Note: This column is coronavirus-free, but it is taxing. Almost 90 per cent of Canadians are expected to file their personal income taxes electronically. But the Canada …

Editorial cartoon from March 18, 2020:
Living life in unusual times
In times when everything is different and changing, it’s good to have a steady and reassuring person at the helm. Dr. Glenn Corneil, our acting medical officer of health, has …
The international becomes local
By Steven Larocque Everyone who’s been out of his or her house to go shopping has seen it. Long lineups at the stores, empty shelves where paper products once were, …

Editorial cartoon March 11
The value of some good fun
By Darlene Wroe My little great-niece turned seven about a week-and-a-half ago. The following day, which turned out to be Leap Day, a sleigh ride and sliding party was held …
Ups and downs
• Thumbs up to the healthcare professionals here and afar who continue to work and care for the public in these trying times of the coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease. …