Lessons from a pandemic
By Diane Johnston Random thoughts, from a COVID-addled brain: • It took a pandemic to demonstrate that some of the poorest paid jobs – in retail, for example, and nursing …
Times may change us
This pandemic has been a transformative event for many reasons – lives changed and lives lost prime among them. Comparisons to war-like conditions are overheated and ill-advised, but there is …

Stay home...
Being social while social distancing
Some people are finding it is easier on their mental health if they avoid the news, but some of us are reading it constantly in an effort to try to …
Odds and ends
By Steven Larocque Last Thursday in the office we talked briefly about the ice on Lake Temiskaming and how, hopefully, we’d soon have to watch for its official breakup. An …

Editorial cartoon for April 8, 2020:
Age of adjustments
A lot of smart ideas are being put forth to help cope with and battle the COVID-19 pandemic. • An email received at The Speaker last week from the Ontario …
Getting together in a strange new time
By Darlene Wroe We just had the most unusual celebration of a birthday party. My daughter passed one of her milestones. She works at the University of Waterloo and for …

Editorial cartoon from the April 1, 2020 issue:
Apart but together
People are doing a good job of putting distance between themselves, and of shopping responsibly and mindfully. There are always some who won’t comply, but we have no choice but …