Editorial cartoon in March 9, 2022, issue:
Sooner the better
It’s shocking to see, if you drive through the Tri-Towns on a regular basis, the price of gas shooting up day after day. It’s going to hit $2 a litre …
The view from up here
By Darlene Wroe As I write this I am approaching another birthday. Being particularly stubborn and determined, I am, as usual, refusing to acknowledge it. My mind still feels much …

Editorial cartoon March 2
Score! FedNor has eye on ball
A recent announcement of $500,000 in FedNor funding to assist with upgrades at the Don Shepherdson Memorial Arena is welcome news. The project will make the arena more …
Winter’s games
By Steven Larocque Yours truly was going to write a bit about the Winter Olympics – how nobody really seemed to care about the games, in the U.S. it …

Editorial cartoon for Feb. 23, 2022, issue:
Pink Shirt Day should be every day
Today, February 23, is the annual Pink Shirt anti-bullying day. Held on the last Wednesday in February, the movement began in 2007 at a school in Nova Scotia and has …
From frozen to deep water
By Diane Johnston The weather’s crappy, gas prices are rising, and protestors-turned-petulant took over borders, boulevards and a bridge. February has been a month to forget. Given the mess outdoors, …

Editorial cartoon in the Feb. 16, 2022, issue: