No going back
Do you remember that old song, “How Ya Gonna Keep ’em Down on the Farm (After They‘ve Seen Paree)?” You can be forgiven if you answered no because …

Editorial Cartoon March 30
Good news for young families
It’s welcome news that the Ontario government has signed a deal with the federal government that will reduce the cost of child-care. It’s long overdue. However, there is still …
From rescues to workers
by Steven Larocque Now don’t get me wrong, I like dogs. I think they should be treated like members of the family. But flying dogs from China for adoption in …

Editorial cartoon in March 23 issue:
On and off
Masks are coming off in Ontario starting with new rules introduced on March 21 by the provincial government. First it was the abandonment of the vaccine passport system and the …
Marching onwards
By Diane Johnston March is a particularly nasty month. It offers a taste of spring only to force-feed the winter-weary (at least) one more blast of snow and ice. There’s …

Editorial cartoon March 16:
The way we can help
The world watches as Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine unfolds. Seeing these events, and trying to understand them can be overwhelming for some. For those who are interested …
Leading and fighting
By Steven Larocque Many point to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky as the latest example of what it means to be a leader. Zelensky played the country’s president on television …