Spring carefully into the season
As the summer season advances, we have more opportunity to be together, to share our times, and to enjoy our region.Spring, summer and fall are a favoured time for many.As the lakes break up, people will be eager to get their boats and canoes back
In support of Daniel
Dear Editor:To the many friends of Daniel James Gerber.It is with deep appreciation that we say thank you for your support and sympathy for us at the Earlton Recreation Centre. Thank you for the special prayers, phone calls, cards, faxes, letters, food, and flowers.The support from
Letter of the Week
Hospital responds to letterDear Editor:In response to The Speaker letter to the editor, April 6, 2016 “This is what health care cuts do”, we have taken steps to ensure our staff use our non-urgent transportation service when needed -- in this case for a patient from an
Is this irony or stupidity?
Dear Editor:Along with many others, I laughed recently at a cartoon which asked why toilet paper needed advertising – “who doesn’t use it?” asked the cartoon. Well there are various qualities of this useful paper product on the market to choose from, but I fail
Missing something
Dear Editor:TMA (Temiskaming Municipal Association) just changed their constitution and got rid of those troublesome unorganized citizens of Ontario.After all they are free loaders and should not have a say -- and we as organized can do a much better job than them
Bus Passenger Service
Bus passenger serviceWe return this week to the topic of bus passenger service for Northeastern Ontario and comments from the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission in response to a letter they received from Timmins-James Bay MP Charlie Angus.Mr. Angus reiterated to ONTC President and Chief Executive Officer
From the Editor’s Desk
Odds And Ends A community newspaper editor flips through his notebook:CHARLIE ANGUSCharlie Angus has been the New Democratic Party MP for Timmins-James Bay since 2004. In that timeframe perhaps he’s had no busier stretch than what he’s been dealing with in the past
Letter of the Week
OOM PAH PAH!!Dear Editor.Oliver! What a fantastic show!Many thanks to Jesse, Sharon T., Sharon B., and all their cast, crew, musicians and helpers for presenting a superb musical for our enjoyment.This production has again showcased the great talent in our area and full houses show
A partnership for the future
The federal government is intent on assisting municipalities, along with the provincial government, to build key infrastructure projects across the country.A recent major announcement in Sudbury will see the extension of Maley Drive across the city, to improve transportation, increase safety, and assist the city in its growth
From the Editor’s Desk
Representing Canadian hockeyA few weeks back when Justin Trudeau visited Barack Obama, a press conference was held in the White House’s Rose Garden where the President teased the Prime Minister that the Stanley Cup could be found in his hometown of Chicago. The President also could