Wonderful little hospital

Dear Editor,All too often you hear people of the community complaining about our (Temiskaming) Hospital. Concerns about the wait time in the emergency department, the lack of care for patients, the doctors, just about everything they can complain about.I want it known just how wonderful our little

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Open letter to health ministers

Dear Ministers of Health,We are encouraged by the unique opportunity offered by the Health Accord process and the federal commitment to increase investments in the mental health system for the first time in decades. Prioritizing the mental “wealth” of people in Canada will help us tackle the growing

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Picture this

The photographs a community newspaper takes of individuals, school sporting events, community happenings are mainstays of that paper and reflect the ways in which we live, work and play in the Temiskaming region.Suffice to say, when we publish children’s photos it is always a good idea to let

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Letter to the Editor

North Bay and Temiskaming share an issueDear editor,Hello Temiskaming Speaker readers,I write this article today from North Bay as a member of a concerned citizens group called Stop Energy East-North Bay.We are actively working against the Energy East pipeline conversion proposal put forward by TransCanada Pipelines

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